- This is an old, unpublished PowerShell script I made for exporting specific Obsidian notes
and correlated attachments.
- I'll likely make a new, refined one for the
workflow, as well as automated SUMMARY.md
file generation.
- This page is mostly to see how code block formatting looks on a test site.
function Export-Obsidian {
# Export Obsidian Note along with attachments to a specified directory.
# AUTHOR: Tyler McCann (@tylerdotrar)
# Exports Obsidian markdown Notes and correlated attachments to a specified
# directory. The exported Note is modified to point all attachments to the
# exported attachments directory, while creating a backup of the unedited
# original.
# Parameters:
# -Target --> Obsidian Note to export
# -AttachmentDir --> Directory containing Note's attachments
# -OutputDir --> Export destination
# -UrlEncoded --> Changes Obsidian embeds to URL encoded embeds
# -Help --> Return Get-Help information
# Example Usage:
# # Extract Note in a network share and export to current directory
# Export-Obsidian -Target V:/Obsidian/CoolNote.md -AttachmentDir V:/Obsidian/attachments -OutputDir .
# # Output Directory
# |
# |__ attachments
# | |__ Pasted image 202307071.png
# | |__ Pasted image 202307072.png
# | |__ Pasted image 202307073.png
# |
# |__ CoolNote.md
# |__ CoolNote.md.bak
# https://github.com/tylerdotrar/<tbd>
[string]$AttachmentDir, # = "<hardcoded_attachment_directory>",
[string]$OutputDir, # = "<hardcoded_output_directory>",
# Return Get-Help Information
if ($Help) { return (Get-Help Export-Obsidian) }
# Error Correction
$OutputDir = (Get-Item $OutputDir).FullName
if (!$Target) { return (Write-Host 'No target specified.' -ForegroundColor Red) }
if (!$AttachmentDir) { return (Write-Host 'No attachment directory specified.' -ForegroundColor Red) }
if (!$OutputDir) { return (Write-Host 'No output directory specified.' -ForegroundColor Red) }
$Target = (Get-Item $Target).FullName 2>$NULL
$AttachmentDir = (Get-Item $AttachmentDir).FullName 2>$NULL
$OutputDir = (Get-Item $OutputDir).FullName 2>$NULL
if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $Target)) { return (Write-Host 'Target does not exist.' -ForegroundColor Red) }
if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $AttachmentDir)) { return (Write-Host 'Attachment directory does not exist.' -ForegroundColor Red) }
if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $OutputDir)) { return (Write-Host 'Output directory does not exist.' -ForegroundColor Red) }
# Attempt to make folder to export attachements
Try { mkdir "$OutputDir/attachments" -Force | Out-Null }
Catch { return (Write-Host 'Error when creating exported attachments directory.' -ForegroundColor Red) }
# Confirm Settings
if ($UrlEncoded) { $FormatBool = 'TRUE' }
else { $FormatBool = 'FALSE' }
Write-Host "Exporting and Formatting Obsidian Note:" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "- Target Markdown File: '$Target'"
Write-Host "- Use URL Encoded Embed Paths: '$FormatBool'"
Write-Host "- Export Directory: '$OutputDir'"
# Create a backup of the MD file without changes
$Filename = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $Target).Name
Copy-Item -LiteralPath $Target "$OutputDir/$Filename.bak" -Force
Write-Host "- Target Backup: '$Filename.bak'"
# Modify embed paths and export
$MdContents = Get-Content -LiteralPath $Target
if ($UrlEncoded) { $URLpath = ($OutputDir.Replace(' ','%20')).Replace('\','/') }
# Create Array of all Embedded Images to Export
$EmbeddedImages = $MdContents | Select-String "Pasted image \d+.png" -AllMatches | % { ($_.Matches.Value -Split ' ')[-1] }
# Export Embedded Images
foreach ($Image in $EmbeddedImages) {
Copy-Item -LiteralPath "$AttachmentDir/Pasted image $Image" "$OutputDir/attachments/Pasted image $Image" -Force
Write-host "- Embedded Image Exported: 'Pasted image $Image'"
# Change embed paths to URL encoded absolute path format
if ($UrlEncoded) { $ExportedContents = $MdContents.Replace("![[Pasted image $Image]]","![](file://$URLpath/attachments/Pasted%20image%20$Image)") }
# Change embed paths to point to new attachment folder
else { $ExportedContents = $MdContents.Replace("![[Pasted image $Image","![[./attachments/Pasted image $Image") }
Set-Content -Path "$OutputDir/$Filename" -Value $ExportedContents
$MdContents = $ExportedContents
# Added wait to prevent hanging
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
return (Write-Host "Export complete." -ForegroundColor Green)